This song sums up the ultimate basis of this blogs content. My name is Kristen Johnson; owner of Here you will be meeting my alter ego; "the inner Diva." Love Lust Lure...three words that can cover a broad span of topics in both fashion and relationships. I plan on doing journal entries based on my relationship tangents, good and bad, as well as those from others (I will change names for confidentiality purposes).
For years people have confined in me telling me about their relationships. I used to run home after school telling my Mom about the drama my teachers told me about going on in there home. I'm talking elementary school young.
I work in retail and I meet all types of people on the daily. Randomly, both men and women after helping them find products they need, or along the process of doing so, tell me about their love life.
I'm not going to lie, I always wonder why people decide to tell me their stories. What makes them trust me knowing "they don't know me from Adam;" meaning they don't know me at all? Or if they do know me, I wonder why they tell me their relationship problems knowing all I do is listen.
I have realized, more than ever, both men and women cheat, both men and women lie, and both men and women no matter how egotistical; just want to be loved. Love, lust, lure is here to share those stories. Everyday situations, from everyday people, seeking ordinary advice.